Sieves can be used to sift dirt, gravel, sand, or soul sand. Sifting these blocks gives you a chance to obtain items hidden within them. To create a sieve, just use the following recipe:

- To use it, just right click with either dirt, sand, gravel, or soul sand on the sieve. Continue right-clicking, or hold down the right-click button, to sift the block. Once it's finished, the block will disappear and the sieve will randomly drop an item based on a percentage chance. It's possible for nothing to drop sometimes.
- The sieve can be used with an Placer. Simply build like so:
These are the chances for the drops from the sieve. Sifting by hand doubles these chances.
- Rock- 100% (will always drop, even with other items)
- Clay Ball - 61%
- Wheat seeds - 7%
- Sugar Cane - 7%
- Pumpkin Seeds - 7%
- Melon Seeds - 7%
- Potato - 2%
- Carrot - 2%
- Oak Sapling - 2%
- Sapling (All others) - 1%
- Flint - 5%
- Coal - 5%
- Iron Ore - 2%
- Gold Ore - 2%
- Lapis Lazuli - 1%
- Diamond - 0.7%
- Emerald - 0.7%
- Cactus - 3%
- Cocoa Bean - 3%
- Redstone - 7%
- Nether Quartz - 90%
- Glowstone Dust - 5%
- Nether Wart - 3%
- Ghast Tear - 2%